Sunday, 8 June 2014

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Upper Savage Hatch

This past week I spent a night camping and fishing along the Upper Savage in western Md. Had some great luck with numerous brookies caught on dries and nymphs despite low water.

What I found very interesting, though, was the volume and diversity of insects life coming off the water. There seemed a prolific hatch and subsequent spinner falls of what I'm guessing were sulphurs, green drakes, a large grey mayfly, and yellow caddis.

Clearly a healthy stream.

I'm relatively new to hatch ID and would love it if folks could help me confirm what was coming off. I snapped a few shots (attached) of some of what I found coming off, or later falling back. In fact, around the campfire, at one point long after dark, there were swarms of what I think were sulphur spinners, actually laying orange eggs on the book I was reading. They disappeared at one point and jet-black caddis showed up thereafter.

In any case, the fishing was good, but I found the insect activity fascinating. Help confirming what I was seeing would be appreciated.



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