Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Carp Fishing

I'm trying to get into Carp fly fishing but I'm 0-13 this summer with Carp not one Carp in 13 trips to the water. I'm wondering if there is a member that can give me and a few others an hour long pointers class on casting, flies and picking spots.

On Thursday, May 6, 2010 10:23:59 AM UTC-4, Sparkr wrote:
I'm hoping to do some carp fishing this weekend and any advice on where I might have the best luck sight fishing for these brutes would be most helpful.  I do realize I may be catching them in the spawn and, if so, could easily come up empty handed.  If you think you have a good insight on what flys to use that would be helpful as well.  (I typically have an assortment of buggy stuff for the Colorado "bones", typically attempting to imitate crayfish and/or sculpins, but also some hairy nymph-like beadheads that I can crawl the bottom with.)

Thanks in advance.


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