Monday, 8 July 2013

Re: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Looking for Rod Recommendations -- Stripers

Sand eel patterns are often the go to for stripers in the northeast, but as thevietfisher mentioned, clousers also work well too. I'd also bring along a few deceivers and some poppers too. I rarely fished anything that didn't have chartruese, and when I did, success was limited - unless there were very particular circumstances like breaking fish or a worm hatch. Check the moon phases and see if there will be a worm hatch predicted for the time you're there. You'll want to hit a local fly shop for the worm patterns if so. 

As far as rod size, I'd typically try to stick to a 9 or 10 weight if you're going to be targeting the stripers. A 7 or 8 weight will do if that's all you have, particularly since the areas you'll be targeting will likely have smaller (20-30") fish, but that can still be a chore slinging those flies in the wind. If you can only do one line, I'd do an intermediate. I threw a floating line a decent amount too - careful line management avoids many of the issues with surf, plus it sounds like you'll be in the much more protected areas where waves will be next to nothing. I also almost never used full sinking lines, but that was just my preference and the conditions in which I'd fly fish. It sounds like you'll be in shallower areas too, so you can probably get by just fine if you don't already have a sinking line.

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Thevietfisher <> wrote:
I just came back from Newport, RI.
I caught a few stripers on sand eel patterns (olive/white and chartreuse/white) size 2 or 4.  Also had luck on clousers.  I would bring 8 or 9wt rod with full sinking line and an extra spool intermediate line (if you have one).
Good Luck!

On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 2:37 PM, <> wrote:
Howdy all:

In a couple of weeks, we're headed up to the Rhode Island shore for a little R&R.  I'll be in the Charlestown/Westerly area (Quonochontaug, to be exact).  It goes without saying that I plan on doing a whole lot of fishing.  One of the things that makes the Quonnie area so interesting is that there are a couple of breachways between the ocean and salt water ponds.  From doing some research last year when we were there, I'm told that stripers (and several other species) hand out where the breachways meet the ocean as the tide is going out, and munch on baitfish coming out of the ponds.  

I've always used my heavy duty spinning gear for fishing in the area, but I've been thinking that the breachways might be fun with a fly rod.  Any recommendations as to weight and length and, of course, flies, would be most welcome!

Thanks all!

Bill S.

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