Sunday, 26 May 2013

{Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: Mouse patterns

I have caught bass on mouse flies, although it's hard to say what the bass thought they were eating. For deer hair flies, I'd go with a Dahlberg diver. These flies create much more noise and action than mouse flies and I have taken lots of bass and pike on them. Incidentally, the only mammal I have ever removed from the stomach of a fish was a water shrew (Sorex palustris) from a brook trout. Water shrews dive to stream beds to feed on the same aquatic invertebrates as trout, and my deer hair shrew flies are weighted to sink. There should not be any water shrews around the lower Potomac as they are around colder waters. Let us know what you catch!

On Sunday, May 19, 2013 10:40:59 AM UTC-4, Paul Kalajainen wrote:

I remember seeing someone using a mouse fly about 8 years ago when I first started fly fishing.  Today I sat down to try and recreate what I saw, the attached picture is what I ended up with.  It's a chenille tail and deer hair (which I found very hard to work with) for the body.

I'm hoping this may work well around the edges of roaches run.  Anyone have success fishing a pattern like this?  Also, any suggestions on how to improve the next one of these I make are much appreciated!


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