If you post your questions on the Potomac Patuxent TU forum you're likely to get some helpful responses from very knowledgeable fly anglers.
On Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 1:46:54 PM UTC-4 jhaner...@gmail.com wrote:
Over the past 4 years I have tried to get out and fish on the North Branch of the Potomac (below the dam) multiple times per year. I have heard varying reports as to whether the river holds truly wild rainbows. I understand that both MD/WV stock rainbows in the river as well as fingerlings. However, based on conversations with guides in the area, the population of natural, wild rainbows in the system has increased significantly over the past few years. Based on the hundreds of rainbows (both stocked and wild) I have caught out of the system over the past ~4 years, it has become fairly easy for me to distinguish between the wild, fresh stockers, and holdover rainbows (i.e. please see below for a picture of a wild rainbow that was caught this July).
I wanted to see if anybody else has had a similar experience in catching more wild rainbows over the past few years in the North Branch (specifically between Barnum and the confluence with the lower savage).
Also, wanted to see if anybody has had any luck catching any of the giant browns in the system. I have dedicated full days of floating miles of the system (Barnum - Rawlings) searching for that one big fish. Over the past ~1.5 years I have pulled out a ~21.5 and ~23 inch brown (these fish were caught approximately 15 minutes apart) and about 6 fish in the ~18.5 - 20 inch range. With the exception of 1 of these larger browns, they have all come on enormous articulated streamers between December - March. Wanted to know if other anglers dedicate significant time on this river specifically targeting the giant browns that inhabit this river. I often wonder what the biggest brown in the system is (I'm thinking ~27 inches), and also curious if anybody has every done a float on the North Branch using mice patterns.
Also, posting a few pics including a 23 inch brown (North Branch) 17.5 inch brown (lower savage), and possibly the state record fall fish (wish I weighed it), humble brag!
http://www.tpfr.org ---
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